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data compression technique中文是什么意思

用"data compression technique"造句"data compression technique"怎么读"data compression technique" in a sentence


  • 数据压缩技术


  • An efficient test data compression technique based on codes
  • The data compression technique is an essential one of synthetic aperture radar ( sar )
    数据压缩技术是合成孔径雷达( sar )必须具备的关键技术之一。
  • For the purpose of improving transport efficiency , we need to introduce data compression technique into the hla system
  • As an efficient data compression technique , vector quantizaton is known for its low bit rate , simple decoding and minor distortion
  • A new data compression technique , called the threshold discrete fourier transform ( tdft ) method , is proposed to efficiently compress the scattered field data from complex targets
    提出了阈值dft ( tdft )算法用于实现基于雷达目标强散射中心分布的rcs数据压缩。
  • A compression method that modifies its operations and / or its parameters according to the new data read from input stream . data compression techniques in which no data is lost
  • The thesis focuses on motion picture data compression techniques used in video communication , proposes modified implementations of two kernel algorithms in this field
  • Furthermore , this paper also includes my two results of some basic data compression techniques . one is a rapid algorithm of binary block arithmetic coding ; the other is an analysis of the performance of polynomial predictors
  • Various data compression techniques are studied and summarized in this paper , including the traditional and the newly developed techniques , then analyses the features of pipeline leak signals , such as the mechanism of production , entropy and correlation coefficient , are analyzed , and finally a universal and low - complex lossless compression algorithm is proposed and implemented in the pipeline leak detection and location system
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